Cut Apart


I want to thank you for helping me by reading my devotions and praying for my time of writing.  Today is Post 500 of “Donna’s Morning Coffee” and I want you to know how thankful I am to each of you.  You are a blessing to me each day!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.

Thought for the DayWhat part of the cloth is God using you for today?

“Donna, have you heard anything about a teaching position or job?” Those words come up often as I attend church functions and as friends see me as I am out and about.  Many have prayed and many continue their daily thoughts about me.  I am humbled.  My response is always, “No, not yet….but I am okay!”  “I am having the time of my life as I write, take pictures, walk, and welcome my children home when they get off the school bus.”  Today, I read The Upper Room devotion with the scripture from 2 Corinthians 5, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new.”  The example was of a tablecloth that had been folded and tucked away.  When it was brought out and held up to the light, the tiny holes and stains from many years of use became visible.  The writer wrote that she took the tablecloth and cut it into pieces making use of the fabric in a different way.  I know this scripture is about finding flaws in the fabric and making something new, but as I reflected on my life as I read the words I realized that for many years I have been known as a teacher who loved her students and loved sharing time in the classroom with them.  That was what people, even I, saw and loved.  This time without a teaching position has brought out other areas of the fabric that I didn’t even know were there.  This time has allowed the other parts of the fabric to be used for something else.  I know people feel sorry for me when they realize I am a teacher who still does not have a teaching position – I feel sorry for myself sometimes.  But, what if…..what if God is wanting me to use the other pieces of cloth.  What if God is leading me to something else, something new?  My largest fear is that someone might think, “She must not be a good teacher if she can’t get a job in that large school system.”  My new found hope is that people will think, “I didn’t know she could do that!” or “She is so talented!” or the best thought is “Look how God is using her!”

Today, I feel newness in ways that I never dreamed.  There are many pieces of the cloth I was made from that have been cut apart to be used differently.  They are all folded and are sitting in a drawer.  As I pull them out, I wonder how God is going to use them.  One piece directs a children’s choir, another piece writes devotions, another piece takes pictures, another piece welcomes those children home, another piece prays for people, and another piece tries to show her love for her Lord in a special way.  A huge part of the tablecloth that has holes and is frayed from years of use sits folded and put aside until it is needed.  God will pull it out when and if it is needed.  The small parts have now been cut into pieces and each is being used in a different way.  Only God knows how each piece will be used.

Prayer:  God, Thank you for making us into new things and for bringing change in our lives.  Help us know what you want us to do and to lead us to the use you have for us.  You are almighty and You are our Father.  Cut us apart from the cloth and use us as You will.  Amen.

Prayer Focus:  Change

2 thoughts on “Cut Apart

  1. The piece of your cloth used to write this devotional is a blessed part and has touched me in many ways on many days. And your piece (talent) for photography is another way you touch me with God’s beauty! Thank you, Donna, and Thank God!


    1. Thanks so much! Today is a mixed emotion type of day. When you are being cut apart and find yourself still not sure where God is leading, it can be daunting. But, each part that He starts working on begins a different use and each use is unique to His calling. You are a precious reader – and I am very appreciative.


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